Collaboration PLUS powerful share box allows employees to add flexible post types: text, files, videos and photos, poll, embed content from other sites and share moods and location.
Custom background
Share status updates with colorful background images. You can add your own new background as well from backend.
#Hashtag helps to search and trend the popular posts. If a post inlcude hashtag, employee can click on that to get all status that include same hashtag.
Employee can tag friends using @names in their status and comments.
Tag other employees in photos and they’ll receive a notification.
Video Share
Share videos using video link and uploads. Collaboration PLUS supports most of videos providers like, Youtube, Vimeo, dailymotion, Facebook etc.
Sharing Share your location with other employees with inbuilt Google map and OpenstreetMap integration.
Photo Share
Share your memories via photo's upload with easy drag and drop option.
File Share
Upload files on profile wall, groups and Events and pages. You can add more supported file type from backend.
Share your Emotions/Moods in status update with different. Postbox also support latest Emoji.
Submit your questions in the form on Poll to get the feedbacks.